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Plan Review/Audit

Plan Review

Insurance carrier ratings and product performance have changed rapidly over the past few years for plans funded with life insurance. To help insure your plans continue to thrive and meet shareholder objectives, all plans and programs should be reviewed on a regular basis.

We can help you review your plans with compliance with current guidance (i.e. bank regulatory statements and FASB issuances) and legislation (i.e. COLI Best Practices Act and Internal Revenue Code Section 409A).

Benefit Audit

Non-qualified plans and BOLI/COLI exist in a highly regulated enviornment. Recently, there have been significant legislative and regulatory changes and new accounting rules that can impact any deferred compensation plan or program - regardless of how long it has been in place.

Since we cannot practice law or accounting, we work closely with your legal, tax, and accounting advisors during the review process. We can also help you analyze your exisiting liffe insurance to ensure your are getting overall value that meets the program objectives.


55 Shuman Blvd
Suite 600
Naperville, IL 60563

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